Wedding Tips: Desserts on a Stick

Do you have a dessert that you absolutely love but are reconsidering serving it at your wedding because it’s too messy?  If so, here’s a wedding tip I think you’ll love – Instead of the traditional wedding cake – why not work with your caterer to creating some supe cute, easy to eat, Dessert Sticks!

wedding tips, dessert, dessert on a stick, wedding dessert, cake pops

Here’s an idea on how to transform your favorite desserts into the perfect little bites!   Think hors d’oeuvre sized portions of your favorite sweet treats.   Guests can try a bit of everything or stick with their favorites they won’t be limited to one option. My favorite part is that these are one bite wonders, guests will be picture ready in seconds!

Here’s some of my favorites:
Caramel apples- cute for fall!
~Using a melon baller, make tiny rounds of apples add a stick and dip in caramel

Smore pops-A campfire classic!
~Marshmallows dipped in chocolate and coated with graham crackers crumbs

Cakepops-fits any party theme!
~Small rounds of cake dipped in frosting and decorated to fit any party scheme

These tiny options are great for outdoor receptions! No loose plates, napkins or utensils blowing away in the hawaii breeze. Pick up a stick and you’re ready to walk around and mingle with your guests!

So cute right?! Thoughts? We’d love to hear them . . 

Hope you’re having a wonderful Thursday!  
xo~ your favorite wedding planner

The Best Day Ever Hawaii Team

PHOTO CREDIT: Jamie’s Rabbits